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CFF3 construction estimating software Download

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Downloads:     240
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License, Price:Demo, $47.00
Size, OS :       444 KB   |   Windows System
Last Updated: July 31, 2005, Sunday
Software ID:   44832   |   Use this software ID to contact us
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Software Description:

CFF3 construction estimating software - Enables contractors to prepare financial forecasts for their projects
CFF3 Construction loan estimating software has been designed to ensure that you have most of the project variables considered so that the produced Forecasts/estimates are likely to reflect the situation of your specific project. Figures and financial data produced with CFF3 construction finance estimating software will help you remain in control of your construction project and to make informed decisions about future plans. What's more is you can produce your cash flow estimates and financial forecasts in a fraction of the time it takes using spreadsheets or manual systems. CFF3 Construction loan estimating software is simple, straightforward and flexible to incorporate all project probable conditions, or as much as would affect the results. The technique upon which CFF3 software is based is the "S-curve" relation between cost and time as fully described by Cooke and Jepson (1979). The pattern is value accrual being based upon the cost accrual over the project duration (i.e. pre-contract costs are recovered as part of overheads). What are the cost and revenue expectations along the Project life? How much short and long-term Finance is required for the project? When will the project be self financing? In view of the current status of Cash in and Cash out amounts what are the future expectations?

100% Clean:

100% Clean CFF3 construction estimating software 3 is 100% clean
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