File uploading service has been temporarily disabled due to malware reported.
Use this form to submit or update your PAD files. PAD is a standard developed by the ASP (Association of Software Professionals) which is rapidly being accepted by shareware sites. If you don't already have a PAD file for your application, you can easily generate one (for free) using the PadGen tool from the ASP. For more information about PAD, and to download PadGen, visit accepts submissions only using the PAD format designed by the Association of Shareware Professionals.
We no longer accept YouTube downloader software. All software has YouTube downloader function in it will be removed from our site.
GearPAD 1.02 enhanced anti-spam function. Different software titles have the same download link, screenshot link or RegNow ID will be automatically marked as possible spam and will not be reviewed normally. Domain name will be added into blacklist if spam confirmed. More information...
246779 PAD records in database, 53866 PAD records approved, 5880 PAD records under review.
Haven't created PAD file yet? Submit software via forms (not recommended). Have software submission problem? Check our software submission FAQs.
Your submission will be reviewed in three business days. Once your software was reviewed and accepted by our editors, you can choose any award picture at and put it on your site.
Powered by: GearPAD 1.16