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CompanyGate Download

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Downloads:     208
Star Rating: 0 / 0    Rated by: 0 user ( s )   
Developer:      MedSites  
License, Price:Shareware, $99.00
Size, OS :       11.17 MB   |   Windows System
Last Updated: March 08, 2005, Tuesday
Software ID:   19976   |   Use this software ID to contact us
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Software Description:

CompanyGate - Multi-Users Customer Relationship Management For Service Business.
CompanyGate is a Project Management Software, CRM Software and Small Business Software For Small Business, Consultants and Service Business to manage their Customer Records, Invoice, Quotation & Receipt, Time Billing Tracking, employee Attendance, Projects and Generates 150+ Customized Reports. CompanyGate is a Multi-User Project Management software and CRM Software for all small to medium Companies that contains all the Financial and Sales Operation Management that helps you to successfully run your Business.
What's New: Price Change
Limitations: 30 Days Trial

Feature List:

  • Add, Edit Customer data
  • Assign Customer per Employee
  • View & Print Customer file
  • View & Print Customers list
  • View & Print Customers list by Employee
  • View & print Company daily, monthly, Yearly Invoices
  • View & Print each Employee daily, monthly & yearly Invoices
  • View & print Company daily, monthly, Yearly Receivable
  • View & Print each Employee daily, monthly & yearly receivable
  • View & Print Invoices, Quotations & Receipts for Company services
  • Schedule Cistomer's Telemarketing or appointment per Employee
  • View all Employees Telemarketing or appointments in one screen
  • View Employee daily Telemarketing or appointments numbers
  • Follow up scheduling Telemarketing or appointments
  • Add, Edit Company expenses per unit, price, Description, suppliers, payment mode & date
  • Add, Edit Company expenses per category & sub-categories
  • View & Print Company daily, monthly & yearly expenses
  • Edit Company name, address & telephone numbers
  • Edit Company starting & closing time
  • Edit Company consultation duration time
  • Add, Edit Company services by specialty & price
  • View & Print Company services by Services & Division
  • Add, Edit Employee by Designation & Division
  • View & Print Employee by Designation & Division
  • Add, Edit expenses categories & sub-categories
  • View & Print expenses categories & sub-categories

100% Clean:

100% Clean CompanyGate 2006 is 100% clean
This download (CG.msi) was tested thoroughly and was found 100% clean. Click "Report Spyware" link on the top if you found this software contains any form of malware, including but not limited to: spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors.


Related Software:

  1. Office Manager 12.0 - The Office Manager is a versatile, easy-to-configure and powerful DMS.
  2. Simple Scheduling Calendar 1.24 - Schedule your employees to shifts and tasks on a simple calendar for a month.
  3. Schedule Multiple Shifts Automatically 7.11 - Automatic Monthly Shift Schedules for 10 Shifts and 50 Employees with Excel.
  4. Rotating Shift Schedules for Your People 5.24 - Rotating or Fixed Shift Schedules for 10 People for 52 Weeks with Excel.
  5. Complex Shift Schedules for 25 People 6.72 - Complex Shift Schedules for 25 People with Excel.
  6. Assign Multiple Daily Tasks to 20 People 8.15 - Assign Multiple Daily tasks to 20 Employees with Excel
  7. Schedule Split Shifts for 25 Employees 6.8 - Assign Daily Split Shifts to 25 Employees with Excel.
  8. Daily Shifts and Tasks for 25 Employees 3.98 - Create daily shift and task schedules for one week with Excel spreadsheet.
  9. Daily Calls and Tasks for 20 Doctors 1.85 - Schedule 4 daily calls and 50 daily tasks to 20 doctors for one year.
  10. Doctors Calls for a Year with Excel 4.16 - Excel spreadsheet for assigning up to 5 daily calls to 25 doctors for one year.

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