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ConceptDraw Office MAC Download

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Downloads:     852
Star Rating: 3.0 / 5    Rated by: 2 user ( s )   
Developer:      Computer Systems Odessa  
License, Price:Shareware, $499.00
Size, OS :       218.26 MB   |   Mac OS
Last Updated: February 12, 2009, Thursday
Software ID:   42311   |   Use this software ID to contact us
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Software Description:

ConceptDraw Office MAC - ConceptDraw Office - The Most Comprehensive Business Tool for Everyday Work
ConceptDraw Office is a tool appropriated to be used in a daily work of project and non-project managers who deal with various kinds of planning as well as resources and tasks management.
ConceptDraw Office outstanding innovation is the ability of end-to-end visual representation of the data and task status information in a visual manner that is the most optimal for each workflow participant.
ConceptDraw MINDMAP, ConceptDraw PROJECT and ConceptDraw PRO composed a single solution that provides all requirements of managing a workflow or project:
* Capturing the ideas,
* Planning and scheduling,
* Organizing the process,
* Keeping of suitable communications,
* Process tracking and management.
What's New: MM: Full Screen Mode was added New Drag and Drop of files to the map feature was added Send by email feature was updated Map navigation was improved Project: New Visual reports generated in mind map format are added ConceptDraw PRO: Transport library was updated Professions library was updated.
Limitations: 30 Days Trial

100% Clean:

100% Clean ConceptDraw Office MAC 1.2 is 100% clean
This download (ConceptDrawOffice.dmg) was tested thoroughly and was found 100% clean. Click "Report Spyware" link on the top if you found this software contains any form of malware, including but not limited to: spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors.


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