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Contractor Billing Solutions Download

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Developer:      G & E Software Solutions  
License, Price:Commercial, $949.99
Size, OS :       6.24 MB   |   Windows System
Last Updated: October 10, 2007, Wednesday
Software ID:   20844   |   Use this software ID to contact us
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Software Description:

Contractor Billing Solutions - Time and Materials Software for Construction Billing
Contractor Billing Solutions
Time & Material Billing Solution was designed by industry professionals who have experienced the real world of Time and Material Billing. This program has survived the most extreme conditions from the series of National Catastrophes including Hurricane Katrina. Our program offers more features that allow you to modify how you bill and allows you to align your billing to individual contracts that you negotiate with your clients. Simply put this program allows your company to bill with extreme accuracy and confidence. This program works right out of the box allowing you to produce your first billing immediately after you install.
Contractor Billing Solutions™ is being used by General Contractors, Insurance Restoration Contractors, Roofing, Electrical, HVAC, Plumbing Contractors, Engineers, Consultants and Clerk of the Works professionals. Our program is currently used by one of the Largest Restoration Contractor Firms in the US. They have implemented this into their day to day and their National Catastrophe Team Operations.
We are confident that our product will exceed all your expectations that we offer a "TRY BEFORE YOUR BUY" Program - To receive a Free Trial Version Fill out our Short Form located on the left of the page. You will receive a Download Link for the Free Trial. We also include a Quick Start package that you can Download - This includes Demo Files, Demo Database and a Demo Billing File as this will get you started quickly and allow you to see how our program works. We also encourage you to send us a real scenario that you face when it comes to your billing and we will recreate this with our program so you can see first hand how our program will handle this and include the complete reports with the details.
Rated # 1 in Time and Material, Cost Plus, Fixed and Unit Rate Billing Software in Accuracy and Consistency

100% Clean:

100% Clean Contractor Billing Solutions is 100% clean
This download (cbsdemo.exe) was tested thoroughly and was found 100% clean. Click "Report Spyware" link on the top if you found this software contains any form of malware, including but not limited to: spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors.


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