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ChoiceMail One Download

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Downloads:     213
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Developer:      DigiPortal Software, Inc.  
License, Price:Shareware, $29.95
Size, OS :       11.84 MB   |   Windows System
Last Updated: December 11, 2011, Sunday
Software ID:   63814   |   Use this software ID to contact us
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Software Description:

ChoiceMail One is the most effective spam blocker available today
ChoiceMail is a spam-blocking system based on the premise that all incoming email is assumed to be spam until senders have obtained permission (called registering) to send you email. Until they do so, mail from unapproved senders will not appear in your email application. Unapproved senders are automatically offered the opportunity to register. If they do so you are notified so that you can choose to approve (or not) all future emails from that sender. You can also easily preapprove your existing contacts. The registration process requires manual intervention by the sender, thereby eliminating all automatic spamming systems. When our system tray icon flashes, you've got legitimate mail.
What's New: Smart mail forwarding, built in export, significant performance optimization and security enhancements, New User Interface, Many updated features
Limitations: 35 Days Trial

Feature List:

  • Permission-based email management. Only approved, wanted mail gets in
  • Multiple levels of quarantine plus sender identity verification process assure that no legitimate, wanted email is lost
  • Individual/group/global whiteists, blacklists and permission rules provide maxium first-time accuracy on legitimate messages
  • Permission-based screening and secure sender verification protect your network from intrusion
  • Save message previewer lets users view questionable mail without activating any content
  • Fully customizable, including custom new sender registration request, registration page, auto away and other messages control how your organization is seen by others
  • Gateway architecture keeps unknown/unwanted messages off the server/network. Protects you from viruses, bugs, trojans and other dangerous content. Increases capacity by keeping unnecessary traffic off the mail server and network
  • Lets you decide which email addresses to protect ? all or only those with the worst spam problem
  • User-based licensing lets you control the size of your installation and your investment
  • Permission-based screening uses information unique to your company and users. Spammers cannot get past ChoiceMail
  • Self-updates as you work; does not require you to update block-lists, etc
  • Browser-based administration and user access. Client-side software is optional, not required
  • Can be accessed remotely via any browser-equipped wireless device
  • Supports multiple languages for sender verification; also supports visually impaired users

100% Clean:

100% Clean ChoiceMail One 5.103 is 100% clean
This download (CMInstaller5103.exe) was tested thoroughly and was found 100% clean. Click "Report Spyware" link on the top if you found this software contains any form of malware, including but not limited to: spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors.


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