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CryptoChat 4 SKype Download

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Downloads:     338
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Developer:      SOFT & ARTS  
License, Price:Freeware, $0.00
Size, OS :       2.15 MB   |   Windows System
Last Updated: March 28, 2010, Sunday
Software ID:   59584   |   Use this software ID to contact us
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Software Description:

CryptoChat 4 SKype - A very simple Crypto software for your chat
CryptoChat 4 Skype (tm) is FREEWARE (with very few banner) application the allows users to have secure, encrypted conversations over the Skype network. CryptoChat 4 Skype uses an encryption mechanisms based on the generation and distribution of 1024 bit asymetric RSA keys so that your chats are kept completely confidential between you and your Crypto-Skype buddies.
CryptoChat is extremely simple to use. Just install it, select the contact you want to have secure chats with, generate a unique key and send it to your Crypto/Skype counterpart using Crypto's convenient "WEBSERVER STREAM" mechanism. Once two Crypto users have succesfully exchanged encryption keys, they can immediately start chatting securely and privately.
Crypto ensures maximum privacy by generating a key for each pair of users. Chat messages will look like a bunch of random numbers in Skype, but they will properly display in CryptoChat 4 Skype.
You can easily invite Skype users in your buddy list to use CryptoChat by using the "Invite your friends to use CryptoChat 4 Skype" command which will automatically be offered to you the first time you run the program.

100% Clean:

100% Clean CryptoChat 4 SKype is 100% clean
This download (LFCryptoChat4Skype_1_0_0_3_local.exe) was tested thoroughly and was found 100% clean. Click "Report Spyware" link on the top if you found this software contains any form of malware, including but not limited to: spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors.


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