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ClassMaster Download

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Downloads:     298
Star Rating: 0 / 0    Rated by: 0 user ( s )   
Developer:      Certified Development  
License, Price:Shareware, $49.99
Size, OS :       1.33 MB   |   Windows System
Last Updated: March 17, 2010, Wednesday
Software ID:   62936   |   Use this software ID to contact us
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Software Description:

ClassMaster - A testing, discovery, modeling and learning tool for Microsoft .Net
ClassMaster can help you keep up and write better code. ClassMaster is a
software testing tool which enables you to easily and quickly unit test your
code without having to write a test harness for every project. Add assemblies
and navigate to public, private or internal methods. Right click and execute
the code and see the results. Results can be viewed either in a datagrid,
property grid, html or xml. Navigate to types, right click and create an
object. You can inspect the object using the enhanced property grid. The
enhanced property grid gives you the ability to drill down to other contained
objects including private and internal objects.
ClassMaster is the ideal tool to prototype your class libraries. It helps you
design better object models by visually seeing how they will appear and be used
by other software developers. ClassMaster can also help you take full advantage
of frameworks and class libraries. Now is the time to use ClassMaster to learn
the new technologies from Microsoft including Workflow, WCF, WPF and SharePoint
2007. Add assemblies and browse. Find a type and a method of interest and
execute the code. You can quickly see what it does. Go ahead and experiment
with methods to see if they can be used in your own applications. ClassMaster
makes this easy. ClassMaster has many features which makes unit testing easier.
Save your tests so you don't have to keep entering your arguments everytime.
BookMark your classes or methods to make navigation easier. Right click a
method or type and execute a MSDN or Google search. See the amount of time it
takes for the code to execute. ClassMaster can unit test class libraries,
executables and web services.
Supports .all .Net frameworks and X64 platforms
What's New: Support for namespaces, automatic clipboard storage
Limitations: 30 Days Trial

100% Clean:

100% Clean ClassMaster 2.0.7 is 100% clean
This download (classmaster20.msi) was tested thoroughly and was found 100% clean. Click "Report Spyware" link on the top if you found this software contains any form of malware, including but not limited to: spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors.


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