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CryptGenRandom Download

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Downloads:     279
Star Rating: 0 / 0    Rated by: 0 user ( s )   
Developer:      Syntax Unknown  
License, Price:Freeware, $0.00
Size, OS :       127 KB   |   Windows System
Last Updated: April 18, 2009, Saturday
Software ID:   49811   |   Use this software ID to contact us
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Software Description:

CryptGenRandom - Generate "cryptographically-random" files of any size for your testing needs.
Generate "cryptographically-random" files of any size for your testing needs. Examples include generating data sets of any size for running tests, generating precisely-sized files for testing boundary cases, or generating files to run speed tests with (since cryptographic randomness virtually guarantees the files won't be compressible in transit). The entropy itself is generated through the CryptGenRandom API which is included in Windows operating systems as part of the CryptoAPI. The CryptGenRandom API uses a hardware-collected seed to initialize its PRNG (pseudo-random number generator), and is the primary entropy source for all cryptographic uses on the system.

100% Clean:

100% Clean CryptGenRandom 1.01 is 100% clean
This download (CryptGenRandom.exe) was tested thoroughly and was found 100% clean. Click "Report Spyware" link on the top if you found this software contains any form of malware, including but not limited to: spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors.


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