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Concordance Download

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Developer:      R.J.C. Watt  
License, Price:Shareware, $87.00
Size, OS :       1.57 MB   |   Windows System
Last Updated: September 26, 2009, Saturday
Software ID:   37941   |   Use this software ID to contact us
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Software Description:

Text analysis: Make concordances, word lists. Gain better insight into e-texts.
Concordance is a flexible text analysis program which lets you gain better insight into e-texts and analyse language objectively and in depth. Its lets you count words, make word lists, word frequency lists, and indexes. It has widespread applications in content analysis, language engineering, linguistics, data mining, lexicography, translation, and numerous commercial areas and academic disciplines. It can make full concordances of publishable quality showing every word in its context, handling texts of almost any size. It can make fast concordances, picking your selection of words from text to facilitate targeted analysis. You can view a full word list, a concordance, and your original text simultaneously, and browse through the original text and click on any word to see every occurrence of that word in its context. You can analyse text directly from other Windows programs via the Clipboard, or use multiple input files. You can make Web Concordances, turning your analysis into linked HTML files with a single click. A Lemmatiser lets you group together any words you choose on related topics. A Collocations display shows which words occur most often next to others. Pick and Stop Lists let you specify words to be included in or omitted from your analysis. Concordance works with nearly all languages supported by Windows. Alphabet and contexts are user-definable. A user-definable reference system can let you identify which section of a text each word comes from or which logical category of your choice it belongs to. You can select and sort words in many ways, search for phrases, do proximity searches, sample words, and do regular expression searches. See statistics on your text, including word types, tokens, and percentages, type/token ratios, character and sentence counts and a word length chart. There is full print preview and printing, with control over page size, margins, headers, footers, and fonts. This is the most flexible and powerful text analysis software.
What's New: Improved usability features; bug fixes
Limitations: 30 Days Trial

100% Clean:

100% Clean Concordance 3.3 is 100% clean
This download (conc330.exe) was tested thoroughly and was found 100% clean. Click "Report Spyware" link on the top if you found this software contains any form of malware, including but not limited to: spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors.


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