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Complete Anonymous Internet Download

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Downloads:     147
Star Rating: 0 / 0    Rated by: 0 user ( s )   
Developer:      PC Mesh  
License, Price:Shareware, $29.95
Size, OS :       1.54 MB   |   Windows System
Last Updated: June 08, 2005, Wednesday
Software ID:   40369   |   Use this software ID to contact us
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Software Description:

Complete Anonymous Internet - Internet utility to hide your IP address when using internet programs.
Complete Anonymous Internet is a utility to let you hide your IP address when browsing the web, sending email, posting to usenet news groups, downloading via FTP and all other internet (TCP/IP) related programs. Furthermore by redirecting the incoming TCP/IP traffic through a SOCKS proxy, corporate networks won't need to install internet security software (antivirus, firewall, antitrojan, web content filters, etc.) on every single computer. Instead all security software will be installed on SOCKS proxy only, where the incoming traffic will be scanned and only safe content will be sent to corporate network.

100% Clean:

100% Clean Complete Anonymous Internet 1.0 is 100% clean
This download (caitrial.exe) was tested thoroughly and was found 100% clean. Click "Report Spyware" link on the top if you found this software contains any form of malware, including but not limited to: spyware, viruses, trojans and backdoors.


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